Dr. Tania Lizarazo

Dr. Tania Lizarazo is an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) contributing to the Global Studies Program, the Spanish Area, and the MA in Intercultural Communication. She is Affiliate Faculty of Gender, Women’s + Sexuality Studies, and Language, Literacy & Culture. She received her Ph.D. in Latin American Literature and Cultures, with emphases in Feminist Theory & Research and Studies in Performance & Practice from the University of California, Davis in 2015.

Her research interests include  Latin American cultural studies, transnational feminisms, digital storytelling, and performance studies. Her recent digital storytelling projects are a collaboration with the Gender Commission of one of the biggest Colombian Black peasant organizations: mujerespacificas.org and a collaboration with members of farm working communities in California’s Central Valley: sexualidadescampesinas.ucdavis.edu. Ongoing digital storytelling projects include: “Moving Stories: Latinas in Baltimore,” and a teaching project with Dr. Thania Muñoz D.: “Intercultural Tales: Learning With Baltimore’s Immigrant Communities”. Her book Postconflict Utopias: Everyday Survival in Chocó, Colombia is part of the Dissident Feminisms Series at University of Illinois Press.

More information available on tanializarazo.com.


Theory in the Flesh

Humanidades Digitales en Abya Yala

Global Stories

Migration Stories

Feminismos latinoamericanos

Escritoras latinoamericanas

World Language Communities

Afro Latinoamérica

Ethnography of Communication

Introduction to Global Studies

Performing Truth: Fact, Fiction and Audiovisual Production

Latin American Cultures

Utopias and Dystopias in Latin America

I’m a Cyborg But That’s OK: Technology, Culture and Identity



Postconflict Utopias: Everyday Survival in Chocó, Colombia, University of Illinois Press: 2024.


Coeditor. Repensando a Policéfalo. Diálogos entre el Presente y la Memoria Histórica. Siglos XVI-XIX. Bogotá: Editorial Javeriana, 2006.


Thania Muñoz D. and Tania Lizarazo, “Learning with Maryland’s Immigrant Communities: Digital Storytelling as Community Engagement,” The Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2022, np.

“Más allá del horror: Ética como performance en Chocó.” Revista de Estudios Colombianos 53, 2019.

Mujeres Pacíficas: narrativas digitales y supervivencia cotidiana en Chocó.” Corpografías, 2018.

“Alongside Violence: Everyday Survival in Chocó, Colombia.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Vol. 27, 2 (2018).

Coauthor. “Ethics, Collaboration and Knowledge Production: Digital Storytelling with Sexually Diverse Farmworkers in California.” Lateral 6.1 (2017).

“El perspectivismo de Reina de América como conocimiento situado de la violencia y la necropolítica en el pacífico colombiano.” Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LXXXIII, Núm. 258, Enero-Marzo (2017).


Bill Shewbridge, Bev Bickel, Tania Lizarazo, Charlotte Keniston, Jamie Gillan, Kaleigh Mrowka, “‘The Story in The Middle:’ The Power of Collaborative Story Processes,” Smithsonian Scholarly Press, 2023.

“Memorias y archivos visuales de la Afrocolombianidad,” Michael J. Lazzara y Fernando A. Blanco (eds.), Los futuros de la memoria: hacia una redefinición de los derechos y los usos del pasado en las democracias latinoamericanas. A Contracorriente, 2022, pp. 252-270.

“¿Cómo se recuerda y se celebra la supervivencia afro en Quibdó?: Análisis de dos experiencias museográficas.” Visibilidades e invisibilidades en la Colombia contemporánea. Estudios Visuales Críticos (2017).


Review of Juliana Martínez, Haunting without Ghosts: Spectral Realism in Colombian Literature, Film, and Art. Austin: University of Texas, 2020, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Vol. 56, No. 3, October 2022, pp. 435-438. 

I Swear I Saw This. Drawings in Fieldwork Notebooks, Namely My Own. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 2011. “Reflexiones sobre el dibujo, la escritura y otras prácticas etnográficas, según Taussig,” A Contracorriente, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2014).


“Moving Utopia.” Johannesburg Salon. Vol 8 (2015).

“Reina de América: necropolítica, raza y género en el conflicto armado contemporáneo en Colombia.” Biblored. Red Capital de Bibliotecas Públicas, 2011.