Continuing in a language beyond the 201 level has many advantages, even if you do not intend to major in Modern Languages, Linguistics & Intercultural Communication.
Most of the language 202 (and above) courses have the Culture (C) designation; you can complete your GEP culture requirement by taking such courses. If you are still under the GFR system, you can complete the language-culture portion of the GFRs by taking 202 and one more language (L) or culture (C) course.
At the same time, you can begin work toward a certificate or minor.
The certificate and minor programs combine exceptionally well with major programs in many other departments (history, political science, economics, geography, social work, emergency health systems), where knowledge of another language and culture is often a valuable asset. These programs will help you in the development of communication skills and in understanding the complexities of an increasingly interdependent, multilingual, and multicultural world. In a world grown vastly more international in communications and economics and a nation of growing ethnic diversity, developing proficiency in a language and completing a certificate or minor in MLLI will provide you with skills of lasting benefit in both professional and community life.
For information on the requirements for a minor or certificate, visit the link for the particular language.