

ARÉVALO-GUERRERO, ELISABETH, Ph.D., Associate Teaching Professor eliarev1@umbc.edu  Spanish language, Intercultural Communication

BARAHOUIE, HANIYEH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor hbrh@umbc.edu Francophone Bande dessinée, 20th- & 21st- century French Literature and Culture, Middle Eastern Studies, Transnationalism and Cross-cultural Exchange, Digital Humanities.

BEARD, DAVID, Ph.D., Assistant Professor beard@umbc.edu Second language acquisition and bilingualism, Spanish linguistics, psycholinguistics

BROWN, WILLIAM, Ph.D., Associate Teaching Professor wbrown@umbc.edu Chinese language, literature and culture

CARMODY, SEAN, M.A., Assistant Teaching Professor carm3@umbc.edu Spanish language

CARPIO RIOS, MELODDYE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor mcarpior@umbc.edu Spanish language

EL OMARI, SAMIR, Ph.D., Teaching Professor, Arabic & French samir1@umbc.edu, Arabic Language and Culture coordinator, computer-assisted language learning, language teaching, and curriculum development, cross-cultural competency in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

FATIH, ZAKARIA, Ph.D., Professor mogador@umbc.edu Francophone studies, Maghreb studies, Enlightenment, Critical Theory

GOLUBEVA, IRINA, Ph.D., Professor golubeva@umbc.edu Intercultural communication, multilingualism, citizenship education, internationalization of higher education, developing intercultural competence for future career and for study abroad

GRENOUILLEAU-LOESCHER, Rebecca, Ph.D., Assistant Teaching Professor rgrenouilleau-loescher@umbc.edu French language, 20th and 21st century French and Francophone literature and culture, Caribbean studies, women’s health and the medical humanities

HERNÁNDEZ, MILVIA, M.A., Teaching Professor hemilv1@umbc.edu Spanish language 

HOGAN, ERIN K., Ph.D., Associate Professor ekhogan@umbc.edu Peninsular literature, Cinemas of Spain and Latin America, Cultural studies of contemporary Spain

HOOGENBOOM, TOMOKO, Ph.D., Teaching Professor  tmkhgnbm@umbc.edu Japanese language and culture

JANG, GYEWON, Ph.D., Visiting Lecturer gjang1@umbc.edu Korean language

KA, OMAR, Ph.D., Professor ka@umbc.edu Sociolinguistics, phonology, African linguistics, French language, Wolof language

LAMBERT-BRÉTIÈRE, RENÉE, Ph.D., Associate Professor rlambert@umbc.edu Morphosyntax, typology, language description and documentation, Fon (Benin), Kwoma (Papua New Guinea), Innu (Canada), Caribbean Creoles

LIZARAZO, TANIA, Ph.D., Associate Professor lizarazo@umbc.edu  Latin American cultural studies, performance studies, digital storytelling, transnational feminisms, memory studies

MACFARLAND, TALKE, Ph.D., Visiting Lecturer, tmacfar@umbc.edu German language and culture, Linguistics

MANNI, MARIA, M.S., Teaching Professor mariamanni@umbc.edu Spanish language

MUÑOZ DAVASLIOGLU, THANIA, Ph.D. Associate Professor munozt@umbc.edu  Latin American literature and culture: 20th and 21st;Latinx Literature; Spanish language literature in the U.S.; border and memory studies; poetry + translation

OSKOZ, ANA, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Arts; Professor aoskoz@umbc.edu Technology in the foreign language classroom, second language acquisition, language teaching and curriculum development

POGGIO, SARA Z., Ph.D., Associate Professor poggio@umbc.edu Sociology, Latin American societies, Hispanics in the United States

STOLLE-MCALLISTER, JOHN, Ph.D., MLLI Chair; Professor stollem@umbc.edu Cultural studies, social movements, Latin American popular culture

SUTTON, SUSANNE, M.A., Teaching Professor, ssusanne@umbc.edu, German language and culture

TONG, CHRISTOPHER K., Ph.D. Associate Professor ckt@umbc.edu Chinese culture, politics, science, and ecology; Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, German

YOON, KYUNG-EUN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor kyoon@umbc.edu Korean language and culture; Interactional linguistics; Conversation analysis; Discourse analysis

ZHDANOVYCH, VIRA, M.F.A., Assistant Teaching Professor vira@umbc.edu Russian language and culture